Monday, December 12, 2011


Looking back at this semester and I realize how much I have learned. I learned new ways to become a better artist and I became more informed about sex trafficking. This issue that entangles many women and children every day proved to be very touching. Hearing, or rather all the different stories that are out there make me want to get involved. It gives me that sense that I can't just sit here every day and let this happen; I must go out and do something about it. As the semester progressed I did more and more research that I know will be very helpful in the long run. There were times when I thought that I wouldn't be able to get through my project due to how graphic the stories can sometimes be and how sad it all made me (I even cried several times), but in the end I had to stop thinking about myself because I'm not the one suffering. These women and children are the ones having to suffer every day and they have to put up with the pain, not me. It's sad that these children aren't ever going to get the chance to live their childhood the way any other child would. Every child should have the chance to live their childhood without having to worry whether or not they will have a meal that day or water to drink and without having to worry about whether or not they will ever stop suffering and if the pain will ever stop. I have learned a lot this semester and I am looking forward to getting even more involved next semester.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Ugly Truth

We began talking about sex trafficking in our geography class and I really didn't know how much of a problem this actually was. I knew it existed, but I didn't know it happened every day and so often, especially not to little 3 year old girls. Learning about this topic made me more informed and definitely more aware of what goes on around the world, and even in my own city, every single day. Many women and children are bought and sold into slavery every single day. The fact that this happens around me every day made me a bit uncomfortable just because I wasn't very much aware of this, but the more I learned about it, the more I wanted to know. Some of the stories that I've read about, most of them about children, are really sad and have touched me in a way I never thought possible. It just makes me realize that I have to be thankful for the live I have been given because there are many people and children out there that have no control over their lives and live each and every day suffering and wishing they had any life other than the ones they have.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Next Step Forward

Now that some time has passed, I have been thinking about doing something with street art. It has always been an interest of mine to approach art in that way but never really have the time for because of school. Artists such as Banksy use street art to get a point across, whether it be about a political issue or anything really. Point is, I like that his art affects people and it helps him get his point across to the public. Doing something like that for my senior project would be fun, but I would have to really think about what the point I want to get across is. Like I said before, I want it to be something that would last, not necessarily physically, but I want it to be something that if people were to see it, they would remember it for a long time and something that would make them think. Of course this is only something that I would like to do, but who knows? Maybe something else will cross my path that will be the determining factor as to what my project will be. These are all just rough ideas of things that I will enjoy doing, but I feel that most of the ideas I come up with would not have an impact on either myself or others. It is time for me to stop thinking so much about what I want to do and actually go out and do something.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Over the summer I had to start thinking about what would be my senior project. It was and still is a very tough decision but one thing I knew for sure is that I wanted it to be involved with art in some way, shape, or form. In the process of trying to figure out my senior project, I found one of my very few passions. I jumped into this not knowing what my true passions were and what it was that I wanted to do, but as the school year started, I found out more about myself than I ever had. The fear of not coming up with a good-enough project kept me from being open-minded and thinking outside the box. I first had to find my passion before I could move on to the next step, which is to figure out how to put my passion to good use and what great things I can do through my passion. Now that I know what my passion is, I must find how to put it to good use. I must make sure that what ever my project is, it is benefiting not only myself, but others as well. I want to make this project something worth while and worth pursuing. I want my senior year to be a memorable one and I know that if I limit myself, I will never accomplish anything that I will be satisfied with. Of course these are all things I hope to get done by the end of my senior year, but who says this project has to be a year long and come to an end along with my high school years?