Monday, December 12, 2011


Looking back at this semester and I realize how much I have learned. I learned new ways to become a better artist and I became more informed about sex trafficking. This issue that entangles many women and children every day proved to be very touching. Hearing, or rather all the different stories that are out there make me want to get involved. It gives me that sense that I can't just sit here every day and let this happen; I must go out and do something about it. As the semester progressed I did more and more research that I know will be very helpful in the long run. There were times when I thought that I wouldn't be able to get through my project due to how graphic the stories can sometimes be and how sad it all made me (I even cried several times), but in the end I had to stop thinking about myself because I'm not the one suffering. These women and children are the ones having to suffer every day and they have to put up with the pain, not me. It's sad that these children aren't ever going to get the chance to live their childhood the way any other child would. Every child should have the chance to live their childhood without having to worry whether or not they will have a meal that day or water to drink and without having to worry about whether or not they will ever stop suffering and if the pain will ever stop. I have learned a lot this semester and I am looking forward to getting even more involved next semester.

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