Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Next Step Forward

Now that some time has passed, I have been thinking about doing something with street art. It has always been an interest of mine to approach art in that way but never really have the time for because of school. Artists such as Banksy use street art to get a point across, whether it be about a political issue or anything really. Point is, I like that his art affects people and it helps him get his point across to the public. Doing something like that for my senior project would be fun, but I would have to really think about what the point I want to get across is. Like I said before, I want it to be something that would last, not necessarily physically, but I want it to be something that if people were to see it, they would remember it for a long time and something that would make them think. Of course this is only something that I would like to do, but who knows? Maybe something else will cross my path that will be the determining factor as to what my project will be. These are all just rough ideas of things that I will enjoy doing, but I feel that most of the ideas I come up with would not have an impact on either myself or others. It is time for me to stop thinking so much about what I want to do and actually go out and do something.


  1. I like your idea of street art, but are you thinking of going somewhere in town and painting on stuff or do you want to paint something at school (like on the side of a building)?
    Also, don’t think that your project won’t have an impact on you or anyone else because you don’t know that. You never know that at the end, someone might be moved to follow in your footsteps. Don’t think this way and pick something that you are passionate about.

  2. I think you are still in a brainstorming stage and that is ok but I don't think you should rush your self and just jump in. You need to have a concrete idea of what you want before you can proceed to the next step which would be for you to get organized and rolling on whatever you decide. I know art takes time and I am just worried that if you decide to do some type of art in the street that you would become stuck and not finishing, hopefully that doesnt happen.
